
Thanks for stopping by! Let's get sweaty and figure out this whole parenting thing together!

Dylan's Favorite Things

Dylan's Favorite Things

We are celebrating someone's half birthday over here and aside from the fact that I am in near shock that its been half a year since Dylan came into our life its simply amazing how much she's grown. 

It honestly feels like yesterday that I was a walking zombie who couldn't put down her baby to use the bathroom. Now I am a walking zombie who goes to the bathroom in under 20 seconds.

So what have we learned in six months? A lot. We know what her frustrated cries mean and which songs will soothe her. She also clearly likes eating....like a lot. 

Here are a few other items that have become Dylan (err Mommy) favorites:

1. Luc&Lou Onesies: We received these as a gift at my shower. When I unwrapped them I immediately wanted to snuggle whatever would be inside. They are so soft and just so cute with those little footprints! I bought more since Dylan is growing like a weed and didn't even feel guilty about it because when you buy a onesie, a new onesie is given to a baby in need. Luc&Lou was started by two NICU nurses who work with non-profits across the country that directly distribute the onesies to families that need them most. 

Want to try them for yourself? Luc&Lou are helping us celebrate Dylan's half-birthday by offering you a discount. Type in DYLAN at checkout for 20% off.

2. Music, Music, Music: Pretty much anything that makes music grabs Dylan's attention. It's been like that since day one. It's possible it is because I played music for her while she was still in my belly. (Let's pretend that's it to make me feel good, ok?) More recently if SHE can make the music it's even better. We've introduce the Baby Einstein "radio," activity center, and guitar, and the Bright Starts Drums. Her excitement when she realizes she made the music and her little dance moves are amazing. I could watch her do this all day. It helps that the Baby Einstein music is some of my favorite classical.

3. Reading: We are really into books. I introduced Go Dog Go very early on since it was one of my favorites. We are also constantly reading Sandra Boynton's Doggies and But Not the Hippopotamus. But our absolute favorite is Jungly Tails. She often speaks to the tiger and it is hilarious.

4. Bows: Ok, so this is probably more my favorite thing, something I did not expect from myself. I recently told a friend that I might be overcompensating since we gifted her with a gender neutral name that leads most people to think she is a boy. Our collection includes bows from KRZA and Dainty Mae Co. They are both small businesses run by moms. They are adorable, well made and I just can't stop with them! They really bring the outfits together. 

Dainty Mae was kind enough to offer a 10% discount if you use dylan10


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