
Thanks for stopping by! Let's get sweaty and figure out this whole parenting thing together!

Dylan Sage Six Months

Dylan Sage Six Months

The half-way mark! Is that even a real thing, can we call it that? I guess if you are thinking in terms of surviving your first year of parenting, perhaps? I don't know, regardless we have a six month old and its time to tell you about all the fabulous things she has done in the last four weeks. 

She is so close to sitting up on her own! Every day I feel like we get closer and closer. I feel like this will be a huge milestone for us, in that I don't have to worry about my little weeble wobble actually falling down. She is also scooting every where. She will literally go across the room if something catches her eye. She has started getting up on all fours so I do not think it will be long before we have a super mobile baby. Time for some baby gates! 

We continued to have some rough sleeping patterns, but then TWO teeth came through and it was like "oh, THAT'S why." We had some special sleep overs during those weeks, I feel like I have perfected the art of sleeping on the floor with one arm in the crib as well as sleeping upright in a chair without dropping your baby. 

When the doctor recommended we add rice cereal to her bottles we got a couple of series naps in. We are talking hour to 2.5 hours. That went away when we switched to two solid meals a day.

Speaking of solids....Dylan L.O.V.E.S. food. She cannot get enough of it. She is a dirty monster after she eats but that's what baths are for. Peas and Beets seem to be her favorite so far. We haven't ventured to kale and spinach yet, but they are coming.

She has also started this amazing wiggle dance and it is just too fun to do with her. 

This month we are going to take Dylan on her very first airplane, which is really just a little scary for mommy....but it will be FINE [she tells herself]. We are also FINALLY going to get family photos taken. I can't wait! 



Dylan's Favorite Things

Dylan's Favorite Things

Weekly Meal Plan: Latin-Inspired

Weekly Meal Plan: Latin-Inspired