We have completed three full weeks of T25 Beta and my honest reaction is that I truly hate Speed 2.0, especially when it is combined with any of the other workouts.
During these last few weeks, I was sort of injury prone. My left glute/lower back kept seizing up. I would try to pick up Dylan or just be sitting down and feeding her and a sharp pain would just run up my side. I ended up modifying a lot because of this. So the half tuck jumps were nixed and I replaced a few workouts with yoga.
That being said, I really liked that I was doing more weight and body weight exercises. The Rip't Circuit and Upper Focus were a nice mix of core and duh arms. I didn't burn as many calories during these workouts, especially Dynamic Core and Upper Focus because you are working more on your core.
Moves that I just never felt it IN my core: Twisting T-Lunge, X-Lunge, and Shuffle Sprint Kick. I could have been doing them wrong, but I swear I was tucking my hips under and contracting my core at all times.
Moves that I loved to hate: Air Plank Burpees, Air Plank Burpees (one leg), Shuffle Burpees and Plank Walk Squat Pyramids. Obviously there is a pattern to these moves. I love burpees...because they are the worst.
Moves that I just flat out hate: Split Lunge Agility, Out +Out Turn, and Zigzag Hop. Anything that makes me moves side to side pretty much kills me. I don't know if I need different shoes (I probably do) or its just the way my body works.
We've decided to start Gamma early, which means this week we are incorporating Gamma workouts into our Beta. This of course means that Friday's double sounds horrific since it would be Speed 3.0 and Rip't Up. eeeeee