I am not entirely sure how we are at two months already, but Dylan is officially two months old. While these past two months have been the most challenging thing I have ever done, mostly because I can't remember which way is up half the time due to sleep deprivation, but each day we get better at being with each other. Dylan has transitioned completely to her crib for night time sleeping. And speaking of night time sleeping...we have somehow been lucky enough to get at least a six hour stretch. Some nights we get more (we even had an eight hour stretch recently but I am not holding my breath that this will be our norm quite yet). She basically tells us when she is ready to go back down at night, and doesn't really require a lot of rocking or soothing from us. Just a little white noise and a good burp and she's ready for her crib again.
We had a few nights when she started sleeping longer that her diaper gave out. My girl has a healthy bladder and we had to start the testing process for the right size and brand for night time protection. Right now we've settled on Huggies Little Snugglers.
I swear she is growing like a weed, and is going to be taller than her mom before she hits puberty...ok maybe that is an over exaggeration but it certainly feels that way. I have all these adorable 0-3 month outfits that she hasn't even worn yet and I am starting to get concerned that she won't get the chance!
We spend a lot of time playing games and doing exercises. The other day I started introducing scents to her by letting her smell spices. Basil and Pumpkin aren't her thing, but sign her up for Cinnamon.
She also recently decided that sitting up is a lot more fun than lying on her back. She needs assistance pulling herself up into the position and a little back support, but can mostly hold her head up and look around.
Her favorite thing to look at is her Brito Hug picture. All the colors just fascinate her. Her second favorite thing to look at is herself. I love catching her talking to the pretty baby in the mirror.
Her smiles are infectious and she's becoming more vocal each day. She loves a good Caribbean beat and bath time is honestly her favorite time of day. Seriously the bath solves everything...she could be crying and the second she hits the water its like a totally different baby is hanging out there. She let's us file her nails in there AND clean her nose. I am itching to see if this translates into her loving to swim.
I have one month left of being home with her exclusively and we are currently trying to figure out what our child care game plan is going to be. She has a spot at the local daycare but I'm not sure that is the best fit with our schedules. We shall see.