At the wedding both J's parents and twin brother made mention of my athletic abilities and their family's lack there of--hoping this match would mean the family line had a fighting chance. Considering this and that nasty stat that married people tend to gain weight in their first year, I've made it my mission to keep us fit together.
An Australian study investigated the effects of a 16-week lifestyle-modification program for new couples that recently moved in together. The researchers found that couples who changed their behaviors as a team had better success than those going it alone. The couples lost weight, improved their diet, exercised more and reduced their cholesterol levels.
J doesn't like running with me, and has an aversion to spin classes for some reason. So I have been wracking my brain for other options.
This past weekend, I put the plan in motion. We went to a CrossFit class at South Arlington CrossFit. (A) It was super duper fun and a great workout and (B) it was something we could do together.
In a study on exercise, married couples participating in a program together had significantly higher attendance and a dramatically lower dropout rate than married individuals who participated alone.
So we are going to try out a few more of the free classes and then see where it goes, but I am excited to be doing it together.