Every Sunday before heading to the grocery store we stop at the Silver Diner on Wilson Blvd to have brunch. Before you shudder at the idea of eating at a diner let me assure you that this diner is not like a Denny's. It is farm to table, uses local ingredients and you can often find more than one vegetarian option including veggie sausage patties. The last time we were there I noticed a sign talking about their "Farm to School" fundraiser, which provides fresh, local and healthier foods to schools enrolled in their "Eat Well, Do Well" program.
The larger program has raised more than $100,000 for the 2010-2011 school year and allows enrolled schools to purchase everything from jump ropes to hula hoops. I immediately added a donation to our check, and signed up for the card that helps us earn donations each time we eat there.
This is such a fantastic cause, that I hope I can find another way to help out.