It took me awhile to get through this workout. I was trying to work it in with my training sessions, but my muscles were just too tired. This workout is no joke. It follows her standard 3-2-1 format and she recommends doing it 5-6 times a week (I don't agree with this, and didn't do it). There are a ton of creative moves including bear crawls, sledgehammers, leg squats with corkscrew curls, that challenge you . It always amazes me how jumping around or doing burpees can make me yearn for a long run. I guess that is why they tell you to switch workouts up so that you can be in better shape.
There are also three different strength moves per circuit as opposed to her standard two. I really liked the variation there, so did my muscles.
My one gripe with this workout is, you are never told WHICH level weight to use. Jillian tells you to grab a set of heavy and light weights, but apparently leaves it up to you to decide when to use them. I don't recommend the heavy all the way through.
I didn't try to 30 day diet that comes along with it, since they all typically include some sort of lean turkey meat and the likes. I would highly recommend purchasing this DVD. I will be starting it again in a week to prep for my honeymoon :)