Yummy Yummy in Dylan's Tummy
There are so many firsts to look forward to with a new baby. The first time she smiles. The first time she reaches for you. The first time she laughs. All are great. But after only a few days of introducing solids to Dylan, I have to say this might be my favorite.
Everyday she has a new reaction, and every four days we get to see if her love of food grow.
I swear the first time she took a bite of real food her brain erupted. Her eyes basically said "this, this is what I've been waiting for!"
Early on I made the decision to try to make her food for as long as I could. I bought two cookbooks, one of which put together recipes for 3 months in advance. Since I'm already a meal prep fan I figured this was the best way to go.
So I bought the Baby Brezza One Step Food Maker and got to work.
There was a lot of peeling and dicing and waiting for food to freeze, but I think it's worth the few hours I'll spend on a Saturday.
The Brezza was pretty simple to use. Though for the sweet potatoes and butternut squash I did end up steaming them on the stove. It just seemed to work better.
The only one I'm not sure about right now is the carrots. I just don't know if the consistency is right. We might have to add in more formula to make it right when I feed it to her.
Amazingly, she's loved every vegetable we've given her. She hasn't liked apples. APPLES! Who doesn't like apples? We were touch and go with bananas but she pulled it out.
I love her reactions.