
Thanks for stopping by! Let's get sweaty and figure out this whole parenting thing together!

A Rude Awakening

I knew deep down that my body wasn't very happy with me. When I looked in the mirror my hips and thighs just seemed wider. I was exercising, but not as intensely as I had in the past. I mean I hadn't been to a spin class in probably five months, and last Sunday's five mile run was the most running I had done in two months. It caught up. My lack of walking to and from work. The preference for yoga and barre just didn't seem to give my body what it needed to maintain my weight so when I stepped on the scale yesterday for my starting point for training I was ashamed. I am the heaviest I have ever been, which is a full five pounds heavier than I was six months ago.

I don't like it. I know it is just a number, but now that it is numbers AND tight fitting clothes it means it is time to get serious.

Step 1: Up my cardio along with my weight exercises

Step 2: Track my calorie intake

Step 3: Cut back on the carbs and sweet tooth indulgences

So as Leslie Ann said after I got off the scale. Let's put it in black and white.

Starting Weight: 130

% Fat: 23.8

BMI: 24

Cake Batter Rice Krispie Cupcakes

DVD Review: Canyon Ranch Yoga For Strength & Energy