I went through a recent period of loathing spinning. I don't know if it was that the times were off for the classes or they were just too standard. Then last month, Matt came to Gold's Gym Clarendon on Tuesday nights and reinvigorated my love for spinning. Last week, even though it was a small group, I looked around and realized everyone of these people has the clippy shoes and I am in my sneakers. These people are serious spinners/cyclists. I have to get with the program.
The music he chooses is amazing and really taps into the effort you need to put forth. And let me tell you, you are putting forth a ridiculous amount of effort. It's more than just getting on the bike and riding. He reminds you of keeping your core tight and focusing just on your legs. How does he do this? By encouraging you to actually take your hands off your handles. Yeah, hands free! (I can do it for like three seconds at a time, my goal is to make it longer by the end of this month.)
He also asks for feedback on a regular basis. Even getting down to the personal level, finding out what the group is training for if anything so that he can make the class work for them.
Don't steal my bike, but if you are looking for an advance spin class check out Matt's class at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesdays.