
Thanks for stopping by! Let's get sweaty and figure out this whole parenting thing together!

Jordyn Ivy: 3 Months

Jordyn Ivy: 3 Months

I feel like this month just flew by. One minute it was November and the next we were staring down the barrel of the last few days of 2020. I started getting the “return to work” scaries about three weeks ago, which made my determination to get a good night's sleep even more important. Jordyn’s been pretty good about sleep for the most part, which gives me hope for sleep training. We did a light sleep training method with Dylan and will likely do something similar with Jordyn as she does a pretty decent job putting herself to sleep. We have been putting her in her crib awake for the last month and a half (maybe even more, what is time?) and we’ve had pretty decent success. That said between weeks 11 and 12 I was up A LOT. So much so, that one afternoon I actually put the entire pitcher in the cabinet instead of the fridge and did not realize it until I went to make the next bottle. Lucky for us, we caught the entire thing on our camera and allowed Josh and me to laugh until I was at least crying.

Jordyn is such a happy baby though. More than one person has called her “chill” and I kind of laugh considering how I was CONVINCED she was a difficult baby the first 8 weeks of her life. (Thanks reflux). She really is great, so smiley. She has even started laughing a bit, which we can get her to do by nuzzling her neck.


The one thing is eating. For the last couple of weeks, Jordyn has had difficulty finishing her bottles. We went up a nipple size as she was taking FOREVER to even come close to finishing and was getting super frustrated. I tried pushing her a night to not need to take a night feeding, and yet she was still leaving sometimes 2 oz in a bottle or two during the day. She slept through the night a few nights but then I think the lack of nutrients caught up with her. We are currently waiting on a call back from the pediatrician to see if we need to change bottles or formula…neither of which is remotely appealing since 1) she isn’t on any reflux meds any longer and I don’t want to upset her tummy further and 2) pretty sure my bottle warmer and bottle sanitizer aren’t universal.


She wants to roll over so badly. Basically, if you put her down she is trying hard to roll. She is almost there and just needs to figure out how to get that arm out from underneath her.


Jordyn is still loving The Hungry Little Caterpillar and has even taken to the rattle /ring caterpillar toy that hangs from her mobile. She loves talking to it. In fact, she loves talking to just about anything and anyone.


This is my last week home with just her, as our nanny starts on Monday. I am a little sad that our special time is over but also very very much looking forward to using my big girl brain again.


Jordyn Ivy: 4 Months

Jordyn Ivy: 4 Months

Jordyn Ivy: 2 Months

Jordyn Ivy: 2 Months