
Thanks for stopping by! Let's get sweaty and figure out this whole parenting thing together!

Don't Rush Me: 31 Weeks

"Don't rush me" has been my catch phrase lately. It refers to how much slower I am say getting out of a car, and the fact that people seem to think I am further along than I am. Some days I am feeling the pain and am ready for Baby L to make her little debut, most days though I feel like I need more time to prepare. I am still interviewing pediatricians; we JUST decided on the hospital, though I still need to register; and I really need to go see an allergist.

See I have this lovely reaction to shots, which I am pretty sure is anxiety induced. I tend to faint. It doesn't happen with flu vaccines, but other shots that "alter" my body response tend to put me out. This has the potential to prevent me from getting an epidural, IF it isn't just an anxiety response.

We also happen to be moving to our new home this month. There's a lot going on and a lot to do. IMG_4669

Baby Size: At last weigh in she was 3lbs; and this week she "weighs about the size of a coconut."

Total Weight Gain: 17.5 lbs

Miss Anything: Still want my everything bagel with lox...maybe some spicy tuna rolls too

Cravings: Cinnamon Buns sneaked up on me recently...I found some healthier outlets for that including a yummy oatmeal bake, but I think it was fortuitous that Oreo came out with their new Cinnamon Buns flavor (BEST MODERATION CRAVING SAVIOR)

Seriously, thank you Oreo for helping me moderate my pregnancy cravings

Aversions: I am not loving chicken unless it is highly seasoned or in some sort of sauce. It's just not appetizing otherwise.

Symptoms: The acid reflux comes and goes, I've taken to eating smaller meals a couple times a day and that has helped. My back and hips are killing me, especially after a long day sitting at my desk.

Exercise: I am still running -- though its little 30 second sprints -- I have figured out how to do modified burpees and most days I feel really good. I am still doing routines from 21 Day Fix and modifying when I need to.

I've started to think about body after baby and will share that separately. I've also started thinking about putting together my "Go Bag." Any recommendations out there?



35 Weeks: Serious Preparation Going on Over Here

35 Weeks: Serious Preparation Going on Over Here

Workout Review: AcaciaTV