
Thanks for stopping by! Let's get sweaty and figure out this whole parenting thing together!

Halfway Through Physique 57 November Challenge

I am halfway through the Physique 57 November challenge and so far I have seen no changes. Have I done every workout? No. Have I done more than 50 percent of them? Yes. So I feel like I should see SOME difference. I will take 3/4 of an inch difference. The truth is I know that just doing these exercises while they are full body and have a little bit of cardio it isn't enough for my body. I need more cardio in combination with weight training.

I do have to say that my abs are getting the best workout they have in years. Simple crunches never really did much, but this bunch leaves my abs sore for days. 


2012 Runner's World Run Streak

I Just Can't Decide