For some reason or another I convinced myself to do New York Road Runners 9+1 program. This way I get automatic entry into the 2012 ING NYC Marathon. Since there is a chance that after May I may not be here (my fiancée is currently looking for a job, post-graduation), I decided I needed to get it done before then. This means at least two races a month starting now, which brings us to…cold weather running.
Sunday I ran in my first race of the year (The Fred Lebow 5-miler). It was 15 degrees outside. It was hella cold and this is what I learned.
- You will not be the only crazy person waking up at 6:00 a.m. to get on the 6 train to go to Central Park.
- My fingers are the only place on my body I could not get warm. I must invest in better gloves. Suggestions welcome
- Dogs LOVE snow. I swear that every dog out there had a huge smile on their face from rolling around in the snow.
- By mile 4, when it’s seriously cold outside you are practically drinking ice. I am not joking, ice cubes.
- Even if you are running next to a guy with a ridiculous hat on, who is taking pictures of himself and CP and is keeping pace with you. That is motivation.
- Running faster so that your little fingers don’t break off helps set new PRs.