One of my favorite things about August in New York is when the city closes down Park Avenue. Summer Streets as they are so aptly named go from the Brooklyn Bridge to 72nd street. Along the route are free bike rentals, roller skates, work out classes from Crunch and other gyms and best of all….car free streets to run.
Today I got to meet up with two of my running buddies for a great morning run. While on our way up Park we ran into another running friend who pretty much summed it up…the NYC Summer Streets was a nice change to the Central Park loop.
The event is modeled on others from around the world including Bogotá, Colombia's Ciclovia, Paris, France's Paris Plage, and even New York's own Museum Mile.
My unrealistic dream? This doesn’t just happen during August.
I’m sure it costs a ton of money to keep these streets closed and have police to direct traffic, but wouldn’t it be great if it was done twice a month throughout the year. Well, maybe not during the winter months.
Are you enjoying Summer Streets? Do you think we can convince the city to increase the days?