I Wasn't Prepared for Toddler Life
I wouldn't say that I would want to trade in my sweet 15 month old for a newborn, but now that Dylan is a certifiable person with very strong opinions about everything life is.....interesting.
Dylan Sage contemplating what this quote means in relation to her actions.
We haven't reached the full "on the ground howling in frustration" temper tantrum, but we are so close that it is getting scary. I find myself bargaining, bribing, hiding in the bathroom for long periods of time, and doing a few things that I swore we wouldn't do when we became parents. (Sesame Street/Elmo may be a car staple now)
Everyone is so focused on those first few months with a newborn (and don't get me wrong they were hard) that I feel like seasoned veterans forget to tell you that now is the time that you need that actual manual and a third person in your home to get everything done and stay sane.
Sometimes I think my child is legitimately insane. "Apple" can mean so many different things that I often feel like I am on a game show hoping to offer the right response before the timer goes off.
Pineapple? No. Apple? No. Applesauce? Yes. Applesauce in the pouch? No. Applesauce in the bowl? Yes. Applesauce in the blue bowl? No. Applesauce in the green bowl? Yes. Can we sit in our chair to eat it? No. Oh, you just want to sit right there on the floor that was just cleaned? Cool, yeah let's do it.
Speaking of "clean." My house is clean for the approximate 5 hours that Dylan is at school after the cleaning people come on Wednesdays. There is literally no way to keep up with the mess, no matter how many bins and crates you buy to contain the toys.
And do not even get me started on Little Miss Independent. Why is it that you don't want me to change your shirt or your diaper (EVERYDAY) when I can't go to the bathroom alone? Why do you insist on taking FOREVER to walk down the hallway at school when you know mommy has a 9AM conference call and refuse to let me just pick you up to make it go quicker?
Ah Toddler Life.