
Thanks for stopping by! Let's get sweaty and figure out this whole parenting thing together!

Active Recovery Week

After my less than stellar workout on Monday I knew that my body was in desperate need of a week off, unfortunately, my sanity couldn't afford that. So I decided on an active recovery week, which meant more yoga and more stretching, and less running and hard cardio. By the time Friday rolled around I was already feeling better. Even in my recovery week I tried a new workout class--PiYo.  My client convinced me to join her at the Gold's Gym class on Wednesday night and I am really glad I did.

PiYo is a combination of pilaties, yoga and a wee bit of cardio. We did a ton of chatarunga push-ups, which had my arms screaming and the reps we did in lunges, warrior 3, 2 and 1, had my glutes feeling like I had just finished a barre class.

I would absolutely go back to this class as much as I can. Hard thing is that it is at 5:30 on Wednesday nights, and I would have to leave my apartment at 5:15 to get there on time. Not something I will probably be able to do on a regular basis.

My active recovery week will continue tomorrow when Kristin and I head to Barre 3 for the first time.

And come Monday, I start training for the Cherry Blossom 10M.


Target's Everyday Collection Campaign

A Blech Workout