
Thanks for stopping by! Let's get sweaty and figure out this whole parenting thing together!

BBG 1: All Done

BBG 1: All Done

I have to pat myself on the back, because during the 12 weeks I only missed two days of exercise on a plan that required 6 days a week. It really wasn't easy, and it wasn't always 30+ minutes, but I got it done despite a sick child and work responsibities that were grueling. 

The last four weeks of workouts are tough, none are new from the previous weeks, but the number of reps were intense. 


Also can we talk about the number of burpee variations? I didn't know so many existed. There was one workout where I kid you not, if Kayla was standing in front of me I would have told her to just stop being so fancy. I mean who needs to do a "broad jump burpee," a "bosu burpee," a "burpee with a push up and a bench jump" and then "snap jump push ups" (which are essentially burpees)? 

Before the last month I always felt like I was phoning it in on arm days. Not because I wasn't doing the workout completely but because it was as hard. Then those reps killed me and my arms.  


I tried so hard to bring enough variation to my LISS days and I think I succeeded. For BBG 2.0 I'm trying to up my time spent on LISS and maybe, just maybe make it to a spin class or two. Goals!  

I Wasn't Prepared for Toddler Life

I Wasn't Prepared for Toddler Life

Dylan Sage 14 Months

Dylan Sage 14 Months