
Thanks for stopping by! Let's get sweaty and figure out this whole parenting thing together!

Dylan Sage 12 Months

Dylan Sage 12 Months

Despite my celebration last week, it is hard for me to comprehend that a year has already gone by and Dylan is 1 year old. I've been filled with so many different emotions leading up to her birthday.

I found myself missing the little baby snuggles of those early days when it was just the two of us at home curled up on the couch. Then Dylan pointed to her stroller and told me she wanted to go for a walk by saying "waaaa" and my heart burst with joy. As much as I loved those early days, I am finding these new milestones and conversations we are having together, even more, fun.  

Every day we practice more words, and she is learning to repeat the words we are saying. Yes, we have reached the point where I hear myself telling everyone around us to "watch your language." We've discovered a new game called "red ball" where we bounce the big red exercise with our hands, and sing "red ball, red ball" over and over again. I've never seen someone so excited about an exercise ball. 

She's working on saying her friends' names including "Ca" for Camilla, and "EEE" for Ian. Every day she points to my phone and says "baby," which is her way of asking us to call her cousin Olivia. When Olivia answers (or my sister) she says "Hey, Baby." 

The other day at breakfast she speared her pancake with a fork and easily brought it to her mouth. This plus the spoon means we might be moving toward some different foods soon if only we had more teeth.....

She is getting more confident in walking, and even choosing to reach for us to help her walk though she hasn't attempted any new steps on her own. 

Her sleeping has been off and on recently. We are down to one nap a day already, and it's usually at the shortest 1.5 hours. At night, we've had what I am almost certain are night terrors. It's troubling and something that is on the list to discuss at next week's doctor's appointment. 

She loves painting and has figured out how to use a crayon by dotting it. It doesn't necessarily always show up on the paper thought. Those dotting paint markers are her medium of choice. She found them in a box the other day, and before I knew what was happening she had pried them out of said box and was trying very hard to open them. 

This year has seriously flown by, and when I look at pictures of her from 6 months ago, I can't believe I am even looking at the same child. Dylan has grown into this spunky little toddler in the blink of an eye. I am pretty sure we have some interesting days ahead of us, as she becomes more strong willed and even more feisty...but until then I will take all the snuggles I can. 

BBG: Month One Down

BBG: Month One Down

Celebrating One Year of Parenthood

Celebrating One Year of Parenthood