
Thanks for stopping by! Let's get sweaty and figure out this whole parenting thing together!

The Postpartum Fitness Game Plan

If you know me, you know that I am incredibly impatient and like to immediately jump into things. So the fact that I haven't been able to exercise the way I want to is killing me. I had these grand ideas of how I was going to jump right back into my fitness routine like so many others, but having a c-section makes that a little harder. Right now, I am walking as much as Dylan allows, she doesn't like the stroller and prefers to be carried...which is hot, sweaty and sticky, because we live in Florida. Again, because I am insane, walking isn't cutting it...and I am itching to get back into an exercise routine that helps me feel more like myself. This isn't about losing the weight so much as being more "Laney-like." Though my current lack of muscle tone is scary.

The game plan as I have currently devised is the following:

Week 4: Begin integrating low impact such as barre DVDs and upper and lower body weight training where appropriate in addition to my walking

Week 5: test the waters with a light jog, continue with barre DVDs/upper/lower body weight training

Week 6: begin modified 21-day fix to help me build my strength back up (likely skipping the abs portions) I have my doctor's appointment this week and will pray for full clearance and a better idea of what my ab situation is

Week 7/8: continue with modified 21-day fix with a return to pilates

Then pending how I am feeling I am looking to pick up either T25 or start from the beginning with Kayla Itsines' program. Either one gives me the opportunity to do a quick workout while she is sleeping and at least for the beginning, the Kayla program I can do at home or at our community gym.

I'd also like to eventually go back to spin class and reintegrate yoga (maybe even the ultimate yogi) but I have to be realistic about time. Maybe on the weekends when Josh is home I can do one or two hour workouts, but right now we are focused on building back the habit.

It's going to be a long road back but for me it is more about getting back into the routine of working out and being strong for her.


Dylan's Birth Story

Things That Got Me Through The Last Month of Pregnancy