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26 Week Pregnancy Update: We are picking up steam

It's been a very quick moving six weeks since my last update. Two weeks ago we were at my doc for a check up and he said "things are going to start moving quickly now." I don't know if he was talking about Baby L (or the kumquat as my besties call her) gearing up to be a soccer star or the fact that you can outwardly tell that I am pregnant. Either way the man knows his stuff. For comparisons sake...Here's a picture from November 28th...and one from today..exactly a month apart.

November 28th
November 28th
December 28th
December 28th

Baby girl has really picked up her movement, particularly when it is time for mommy to go to bed. I can usually quiet her down once I stop shifting and turning, but I am waking up most nights to either use the bathroom or turn over. I have found that sleeping on my sides for an extended length of time makes my glutes REALLY tight.  And that actually wakes me up more often than her movement does.

Baby Size: Length of a green onion...last weigh in for her approx. 1lb 5oz

Total weight gain: 15 lbs -- slow and steady

Miss Anything: I can officially say that a giant bagel and lox will be the first thing I will eat after giving birth...at least today.

Cravings: fruit...lots and lots of fruit...can't get enough, especially citrus. And blueberry muffins.

Aversions: I still don't want any pork or salmon, which isn't great on the brain power side...but I was able to eat a little fish this past weekend for the first time in months. So winning.

Symptoms: I am FINALLY off Diclegis. It took forever to completely ween myself off of it, and I consider myself lucky since my mom was sick with me and my sister the entire time. Of course, that has been replaced by some serious heartburn and acid reflux...awesome. I guess it doesn't help that I want to eat all the citrus and tomatoes which can make that worse...but whatever.


Exercise: Still going well. I am still running and doing strength work. I try to walk at least 2 miles every day, expect for run days. I have upped my yoga practice to at least twice a week now to try to combat the tightness.

So a typical week looks something like:

Mon: run/strength

Tues: yoga/walk

Wed: pilates/walk

Thurs: bootcamp

Fri: yoga/walk

Sat: walk/strength

Sun: off

Workout Review: AcaciaTV

We’ve Reached the Halfway Point!