After two really incredible stressful weeks where I was home for a total of five days, I am getting ready to hop on a plane again bound for NYC. While I am going early for work, I have to somehow remain focused on the fact that race day is Sunday. I have to be honest, that my training has slacked the last two weeks due to straight up exhaustion. Luckily I somehow managed to time all of this travel for Taper Town, so while I feel bad, I don't feel nearly as bad as it could have been. In fact, I don't think I have ever been so happy to be tapering in my life.
I received my bib number, and wave information a few weeks ago. I was initially (and still am) slightly disappointed that I am in the last wave -- mostly because I feel like I am going to miss out on some of the great spectator memories -- but have started to think positively about it. For example, I am on the top of the bridge, and am less likely to be urinated on. (score) If you would like to follow my race you can do so by going here.
I played with this fancy excel document that Kristin sent over several weeks ago, and figured out what pace I need to make my goal time. Amazingly, when I plugged it all in it actually looked doable. I started to think "maybe all that training in the summer heat is going to actually pay off."
I am equally nervous and relieved that the race is this Sunday. Training has been excruciating, and I know if I ever decide to do this again a run coach will be part of the "must gets." I've reached the point where I just want to cross the finish line, and not do any significant damage to my body (crossing fingers on that last one).
Now it is time to figure out the playlist...honestly it is the hardest part of race week.