
Thanks for stopping by! Let's get sweaty and figure out this whole parenting thing together!

Marathon Training: Week 8

This is what I like to call the cross over week. It also happens to be half way through my training plan...coincidence? I think not. I call it cross over, because it is the first week where your long run gets you to the point where you are committing to doing more than a half. The serious business starts and your body knows it...or at least mine does.

Monday: yoga.

Continuing to do yoga flexibility at least once a week. This seems to be the best way to keep my ITB in check and my hips somewhat open. image

Tuesday: 4 mile ridiculously awful run.

As much as I was appreciating evening runs since it was so hot outside, I realized I had to watch my nutrition during the day to keep myself from vomiting. It was also one of those days that required gummy bears, which means I had terrible sugary gunk in my tummy. Need to conquer that.

Wednesday: cross training. A superset workout for arms and legs, starting to think it is time to do light weights on my legs at least once a week. Nothing to major. I also went to Health-Fit to start active release techniques. I think this will be the best replacement to my neuro-musclar massages (they are practically the same thing). I honestly worked up a sweat having someone stretch my legs and knead some of the larger knots. Worth every penny.

Thursday: 3.5 mile beach run.


I was able to make it to run club, and I was so happy I did. Instead of speed drills some of us ran down to the beach, kicked off our shoes and went for a run along the beach. It was the first time I had ever run without my shoes on the beach and it was a very different sensation. My lower calves seemed to tighten rather quickly, but otherwise it was an easy comfortable run. Plus, I put into place my new running at night nutrition rules and it made for a much easier run.image_2

Friday: yoga.

Just a simple yoga for runners 20 minute routine. I didn't want to do too much, but enough to keep me from getting stiff.

Saturday: 14 mile long run.

Met a few new people in run club to run with. They were so incredibly encouraging, and while we were only going to have 12 miles together...it was a hot and steamy one that required a lot of prodding from each of us. It was great to have that encouragement from people that I had literally just fallen in line with. I ran a pretty fast 10K averaged about a 9:30 and then slowed down on the way back. I probably could have called it a day at 12 with my two partners, but they encouraged me to keep going to hit my 14, and I did. I may have been the last one back to the store, but I felt good about finishing out my run.

These homes are along A1A and are amazing


Sunday: cross training.

It was gorgeous outside and demanded that I swim. So I did.

WIAW: Sur La Table Cooking Class

Marathon Training: Week 7