
Thanks for stopping by! Let's get sweaty and figure out this whole parenting thing together!

I Think I'm Scared to Run Again

I've taken a much longer than anticipated break from running. I don't really know how it happened. There was that disaster of a race over the summer, and then I just slowly got more focused on yoga, and then P90x 3 came into my life. Then of course this ridiculous winter happened, where it wasn't even comfortable to run out to your car, let alone go for an actual run. Running became HARD. I would go out for just a short 3-4 mile run and it wasn't nice.  I was wheezing and my legs were too tight. I didn't feel right, and I certainly wasn't doing more than springs on the treadmill.

But, I was recently reading a book where the character was training for her first half. And it made me want to fall in love with running again. I got the itch to lace up my shoes and just go. No pacing, just running. Oddly enough I am scared. I am scared that I am not going to be as fast as I used to be. That I am starting from scratch again after all that hard training.



I think it also doesn't help that I have to make the decision as to whether I will be running the New York City Marathon this year sooner rather than later. It also doesn't help that if I do decide to do this, that I am going to be doing it in an entirely new and different city, where I don't know whether I will have a training partner or how hard it will be to find safe routes for long runs. Also, that place will be South Florida where I can't seem to find a half marathon that fits into my training schedule. 

I know that I am just making excuses, and the best thing I can do it start running again BEFORE I move. At this point I think it is more of a mental barrier than anything else, I just can't seem to break it.

I think I might just head out on Sunday for a short little get back on your feet run. In the meantime, if anyone has any recommendations on training groups in South Florida, routes, etc. I'd really appreciate it.

Snow, Cold & Fitness Motivation

Bringing the Sweat Without the Stink